Mistakes Of Teenage Parenting

mistakes of teenage parenting

Many parents are over anxious and sometimes overdoes things which results in it backfiring thus causing unwanted results. Most of the times, parents are ignorant that they are committing mistakes of teenage parenting and always put the blame on other factors. It is important that parents realize their mistakes and try and salvage the situation in the best way possible.

Lecture Rather Than Discuss

Most parents make this mistake countless times. When a problem arises or when there is conflict, parents tend to blow their top and start to lecture the teenager instead of using this opportunity to teach the child the steps of good decision making. It is ideal to use a more mature and adult manner with discussion, negotiation, and understanding of the conflicting needs of maturing teens. It is important that they know that they have parents who are there for them, but not being overprotective.

Ignoring The Obvious

Parents notice that teenagers are sleeping late, missing classes, missing curfew, not introducing new friends and regard this as normal teen behaviour. Parents usually choose to avoid confrontation so that they do not need to put up with the teenagers hostile attitude and offensive temper.

Avoiding discussion of sensitive issues such as Sex

Parents who are conservative and reserved often avoid discussion of teenage sexual problems and teenage sexual issues with their children. When parents avoid their responsibility to discuss and guide teenagers over teenage sexual problems and issues, it could result in them "learning" from various "unofficial" sources : friends, television soap operas, life-style magazines, and worse still from pornography. Teenage sexual problem sand issues are best addressed by someone whom they trust, parents and teachers, or professionals, not friends.

Not Following Through On Rules

Most parents have no problems creating punishments for breaking the rules, but keeping to it is extremely difficult. Parents find it hard to keep to the rules they set when the teenager creates problems and forces the parents to not carry out the punishment. It is important that parents set the rules in advance and keep to their punishment so as not to lose credibility in the eyes of their children.

Setting Unreasonable Goals

Always make sure that the goals which are set are attainable and realistic. If a teenager has learning disabilities, the parents should try and help out patiently and not yell or scold as this would only result in unwanted consequences. Set goals based on the child's individual abilities and do not compare with others as it is extremely unfair to the child. If the child has no interest or talent in certain activities, look for one which they might have a natural ability to do well in.

Pointing Out The Negative And Expecting Only The Positive

Parents normally expect good behavior, good grades, and, well, utter goodness but with little encouragement or praise. Some parents believe a job well done is its own reward. Though it is true, nothing encourages a child more than the positive feedback of a parent. Therefore, it is important not to only point out the faults, but at times, remember to praise and encourage your child when he/she has done a good job.

Leaving The Teaching To Someone Else

Parents tend to believe that teenagers would learn about the dangers of drugs, alcohol, and other risky behaviors at school. It is extremely irresponsible of the parents to not spend effort to teach their own children. Most teenagers that commit these offences have parents who do not share or tell their children about these dangers personally.

Insufficient Family Time

Family time is essential. Setting time aside every day for the family to eat together and talk is one of the best defenses against negative peer influences on your teens. Make time for your children on a daily basis to keep communication open. Parents who spend time with their children will be more aware of changes in their demeanor and behavior. Parents who seldom spend time with their kids usually take a longer time to notice changes in their kids.

Assuming That Good Grades Mean No Other Problems

Parents have a misconception that kids with good grades would never create any problems. It is still possible for the teenager to maintain good grades and carry out unacceptable activities to avoid suspicion.

Not Spending Enough Time To Understand The Teens Today

Not understanding the teenagers of today's generation would mean not knowing what the child is exposed to and what are the things that he/she want. Many parents do not know what is going on and the teens are able to do as they wish. This is an extremely serious problem which can result in unwanted consequences.

Giving Up Too Soon

Most teenagers know that their parents' resolve are not that strong and thus, they will not change their behaviour after just one try. They will attempt to keep testing the limits of their parents till their parents throw in the ropes and give up. By doing so, the child would know that they can "beat" their parents through this way. The proper way would be not to give up and hold on to whatever rules that the parent has set.